Sunday 22 February 2009

Let the rumour-mongers be right!!

THERE are always plenty of folk on the web making stuff up and writing things on forums about what they say is going to happen, but it never materialises.
Well, after hearing the latest gossip, let's hope they're right.....
It has been reported on the web that a Sony employer has leaked details of the next firmware update, and its a biggie - at last, people should be able to start chats from inside a game, just like our friends over on the Xbox can!
If it's true, its been a long time coming, and hopefully Sony will make us all happy and finally get to grips with the fact that, now that online gaming is the driving force of most PS3 games now, people do actually want to find it easy to go online with their friends and chat, and not do as they do now, where you start a chat, quit it to join a game, and then try and speak to them if you manage to join the same game more by luck than judgement!
Apparently you will also be able to surf the web while you are in-game, which will also be a handy feature.
Here's hoping.......

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