Monday 20 April 2009

PS3 gaming on the cheap

MY GAMING collection on the PS3 has expanded quite rapidly over the past few months, and that is down to one thing - price.
If you look back 12 months ago, even the older PS3 games had a price tag of £20 or over, as there still wasn't much to choose from. But now, developers have finally embraced the PS3 and there is a wealth of games to choose from.
And the main impact of that is that older titles now still need to sell, so shops are finally getting the message and cutting the prices to shift them.
This month I picked up a copy of Baja for £7.99 - now admittedly, it's not the best racing title on the market, but I'll still get my money's worth. And just last weekend I picked up a copy of the original F.E.A.R. on the PS3 for just £4. For that price, you can't really loose.
Now that originals are coming down in price, let's hope Sony follow suit and start cutting the prices of PlayStation Network titles - especially those that don't have a demo to play first, as us buyers are more likely to make a purchase of a game we haven't or can't play, if it is cheap enough (although the best solution is to make sure there are demos of ALL Network games, to entice us to buy).

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